There are lots of useful types of kitchen waste bins to fit the shape, size, and style of your kitchen. Choosing the right one is important before you buy.
There are a surprising variety of types of bins, with everything from a simple pedal bin to the more sophisticated sensor opening tops.
Not only are there many colours with some designs, but there are also different materials. The main two are plastic and stainless steel.
There is also a range of prices from only a few pounds right up to the hundreds.

Which Type of Bin is Right For You?
Below we have outlined different types of bins and where they are best suited.
Freestanding or fixed, small kitchen waste bins (maybe as a link as not really a type)
1. Popular Kitchen Pedal Bins Make a Great All-Rounder

Easy to use, keep clean, and also stylish, pedal bins are the most popular of all the options. They come in a range of designs and sizes and suit almost any kitchen.
The Upside
They are very versatile, easy to use, and to clean. Their price range is low, mid, and high. They come in many shapes, from round, square, slim, and rectangle. They will fit most kitchen spaces.
The Downside
With a pedal operation to open your bin, you usually have to keep your foot on the pedal while putting in the rubbish. This limits your mobility or means you have to keep opening or closing the lid.
Explore all Pedal Bins here
2. Touch Top Waste Bins for Easier Use

Touch Tops are a variation on the pedal. They are easier to use as you simply place your fingers on the opening area of the lid to open it.
The Upside
These are easier to use than the pedals and can be much quieter with some designs. The touch-top lid stays open without you having to keep your hand on it.
The Downside
Sometimes the latch breaks on some models of bin.
3. Kitchen Bins Automatic with a Sensor for Cleaner More Hygenic Use

These automatic no-touch bins are super hygienic and easy to use. You do not even have to remember to close the lid on some models as they close themselves!
The Upside
These are very hygienic to use as you do not need to touch the bin at all when putting in the rubbish. This saves you from having to wash your hands as much. They are easy to clean.
The Downside
These bins are much more sophisticated so they tend to start at a higher price range than the simpler pedal models although they are still affordable. They do require batteries. Depending on where you put some of the bins they may open as you pass when you do not want them. May open for pets.
4. Flip Top Waste Bins are Great Value for Money and Cheerful

Flip tops are great value for money and you get a good solid bin for very little outlay. They often come in a range of colours to suit your kitchen space.
The Upside
These are economical, easy to use, and durable bins.
The Downside
Although many people get on well with the flip lid, sometimes people find the flip lid a pain.
See all Bins with Flip Top Lids
5. Double Kitchen Waste Bins for Easy Recycling

These are a fantastic idea for those with larger volumes of waste or those who are more environmentally friendly and want to recycle with ease. Some of these are specifically designed in recycling colours while others are simply bins.
The Upside
Ideal for families that produce a lot of rubbish. Perfect if you want to store your recycling without making trips outside or to the garage.
The Downside
They take up more space than a single bin but are better than having two separate ones. Also, they would be harder to move than a smaller bin.
Look at all Double Kitchen Bins Here
6. Fitted Kitchen Waste Bins for Those Who Want Their Rubish out of Sight

These are a great idea if you don’t want to see the bin or don’t want it out in the kitchen.
The Upside
The bin is out of sight and out of mind yet it is also easy to get to. They are easy to fit.
They are great if you want to use them for other things besides rubbish, like pet food or other storage.
The Downside
It is taking up cupboard space that can be used for other storage (Unless of course, you are using it as additional storage). If it leaks or smells that can spread through your cupboards. These can be smaller than other models. However, there are also fitted pull-out models as well that are larger. (See item 8).
These can be smaller than other models. However, there are also fitted pull-out models as well that are larger. (See item 8).See different types of Fitted Kitchen Waste Bins
7. Use Kitchen Waste Recycling Bins for Easier Recycling

These come from very small handheld bins that are easy to pick up and pop into the compost heap right up to full size. They come in a variety of shapes and styles. You can get simple lift-off lid containers right up to pedals.
The Upside
Makes recycling easy. Helps to reduce waste and improve your household’s contribution to the environment.
Some are actual compost bins so saves transferring waste to another container
The Downside
The smaller ones need a counter or side to keep them on. You need more space for the additional bin. However, some are slim so you shouldn’t need too much more space.
See the range of Waste Recycling Bins
8. Pull Out Kitchen Waste Bins

These pullout bins for kitchen waste are ideal if you have cupboard space. They are hidden from view and a good size. With two bins you can also use one for recycling if you want to. Once the frame is fixed the bins can be easily lifted in and out.
The Upside
They are easier to install than they look. Some come fairly well assembled when you buy them. They are a good choice for the elderly or the disabled to use.
The Downside
They are quite tall so you need to make sure the type you get fits into your cupboard space. Check for any ridges or plumbing.
See the fitted Undercounter Pull Out Bins
9. Slim Kitchen Waste Bins

These are great space savers and perfect for the small modern kitchen. They also fit into a corner quite well. They come in both plastic and come and in a variety of price ranges from low to high. You also have a choice of options that combine with the other types like a pedal or touch top for example. Some even include wheels for ease of movement.
The Upside
They are space-saving yet they can also have a good capacity.
The Downside
Because they are narrow if you want a larger size this means they will either be deeper or higher. The lid opens upwards on some models so you need to make sure you have enough height.
10. Corner Kitchen Waste Bins

Waste containers for a corner are ideal if you have a spare area or small space.
The Upside
Perfect for keeping your bin out of the way and using up an otherwise useless corner space.
The Downside
There are very few triangular proper corner bins. If you get one specifically for corners only, if you change your mind later they will not fit so well elsewhere.
See the Bins for the Corner of the Kitchen
Things You Need to Know When You are Deciding on Which Bin to Buy?
How Much Space Do You Have and Where Will it Go?
The type and size of the bin you need will change a lot depending on whether you want to put it in a cupboard or have it free-standing. perhaps you have a corner and could have a corner bin?
What Materials Are Best?
Plastic and Stainless steel are popular bin materials. If you are considering plastic it may be worthing looking at what types of plastic are being used and how that affects the durability of the bin.
The Design and Shape
How well is it designed and does it work well? Do you like the look of the bin and is it in a colour that you like.
What Will Be Your Bin’s Location?
Different types of bins suit different locations such as in or under the cupboard or in a corner for example.
Is it Easy To Use?
Think about the actual use:
- Is it easy to open and close?
- What is the noise of opening/closing the lid like?
- Is there a sturdy handle if applicable?
- Is it easy to fill without bending?
- Is it light enough to move when full?
- Is it easy to clean?
- Is it pet and child-friendly?
- Does it have an inner bucket? ventilation holes to prevent a vacuum
What is the Durability Like?
- When deciding how long you want your bin to last think about the following: the thickness of the plastic,
- How thick is the plastic? Does it get brittle?
- Are there any comments about the possibility of corrosion in your choice?
- Buttons lids and pedals: What is the weak points mentioned and can you live with them or would a different choice be better for you?
How Hygenic is it?
The less you have to touch the surface when putting rubbish the better. Lid opening with a pedal and sensor lids are more hygienic than a flip lid.
Price & Value For Money
Bin in prices range from as little as a few pounds for pedal or touch top bins up into the hundreds for the larger multi or sensor bins in the UK. Cheaper or more expensive is not always best. Once you have your other criteria sorted it will give you a better idea of the outlay and options for your final choice.