It is really quick and easy to make your own tasty creamy butter using cream. It doesn’t need many ingredients nor any special equipment just a bit of time and it is well worth the effort.
It’s great to be able to make your own butter from scratch. although if you want to you can start with milk you can get some really great results with minimal effort by using cream.
This is ideal for when you are in a hurry and do not want to wait for your mixture to become cream.
You can use double cream or sour cream depending on which you prefer. Perhaps try both and see which you like the best.
Below are the recipe and instructions and also some pictures you can use as a visual guide.

How to Make Butter From Cream

Pour your cream into your mixing bowl. Note, you need lots of space above the cream to allow for movement and splatter. If you have a stand mixer use that. I’d say only fill the bowl to no more than halfway. I double my mixture at the last moment and found this bowl to be too small.

After you have mixed your cream for several minutes the butter starts to separate. As above. You can see both the butter and the buttermilk. Once you have mixed your butter until it is sticking to your whisk and have removed as much as you can of the buttermilk you are ready for the final stage of cleaning your butter.

All 285G of the finished butter rinsed and ready to shape, go in the fridge or use.
A Simple Tool To Make Life Easier
I have just spotted this on Amazon. I think this would be a lot easier way of doing it and a LOT less messy. I ended up with a sink full of dishes. Anything to make life a bit easier. What do you think? Worth it?

How to Make Your Own Tasty Creamy Butter in Minutes
A Rich tasty and creamy butter
- 600 ml Sour Cream or Double Cream
- to taste Salt optional
- You will also need a Jug iced water
Take your cream and put it into a mixing bowl.
Now whisk it on low to start. You can either use a machine whisk or a hand whisk. If you don’t have a whisk you can put it into a container shake it but it does take a while.
Increase the speed of your whisk and continue to whisk your cream until it turns to butter. You may need to go back to slow again when the butter starts to form.
You should also have some buttermilk with the butter. Remove the buttermilk and store it as it can be used for lots of different things.
Now pour on and rinse your butter in the icy water until it runs clear and free of any buttermilk. This prolongs the butter’s life if you don’t do this properly the butter will go off in days.
If you are using salt you can add it now.
Pop your butter into a container and put it in the fridge it will last for up to 2 to 3 weeks.
Cool that’s it now you are ready to make whatever you want it for.
Recipe Notes
European butter is made from sour cream and American butter is made from double/heavy cream. The process is the same.
How Much Butter Will the Cream Make?
You will need approximately 2.0 to 2.5 times the amount of cream to make your final amount of butter so if you want 500g of butter you will need 1.5KG of cream
I used 600ml of double cream and got 285g of butter and 85g of butter cream.
How to Store Your Butter and Buttermilk?
You can freeze the buttermilk if you are not going to use it.
Homemade butter doesn’t keep that long. If you don’t get rid of the buttercream it goes off in a few days. Getting rid of the buttercream means it keeps longer and of course, you can freeze it.
Does Making Your Own Butter Save You Any Money?
Sorry guys all my research shows that it doesn’t really save you any cash. Here are some working out on a UK site and a US site. For the UK there are a few pence saving for the US the site says it is much more expensive, but I don’t think all things were factored in.
So is it Worth Making Your Own Butter?
I really think that depends on your reasons for making it. If it is for purely saving money then no if it doesn’t. Reasons for making it I feel are you have better control of your ingredients if you make your own. If you have your own source of cream or milk it is well worth it.
For me, I only need a small amount so I can spend only £1 on cream instead of £2 on spreads I don’t want then aren’t tempted to use it all the time. If you are going for convenience then it is easier to buy it. Decent local butter is more expensive but I can make a small amount of organic butter (100g) from local organic cream.
How Does It Taste?
Wow! Just Wow! I’ve never tasted butter like it. It tastes way better than the butter I normally buy. Whether it is fair to judge it against shop bought I don’t know as I don’t buy the super quality butter normally. But this tastes way better. It is worth doing just for the taste alone in my view. I made this batch with double cream and the finished butter is rich and creamy.